Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ahhhh, Nothing Beats A Relaxing Breakfast by The Seaside

I took my family to Lumut again during the recent school holidays and we stayed at The Star Orient Hotel. I always like to have a relaxing breakfast while holidaying, especially if the hotel is by the beach. My favourite choice of food are baked beans, bacon (unfortunately they don't have this), sausage (have to settle for this), baked potato, tomato, toast, salad, half boiled eggs and fruits. After a hearthy breakfast, I would get myself a cup of hot coffee. It is great to slowly sipping the coffee while enjoying the morning fresh air by the seaside.
Ahhhhh, this is life! Time to go fishing......stay tune!


  1. I wonder what fish you caught and how you cook it. Sure some genius way

  2. You must had a great holiday with the family.

  3. u bought timeshare ah?
    apasal always go there leh?

  4. Smallkucing : Didn't catch go and buy! ha ha ha

    Mummy Moon : Thks

    Wendy : No time sharelah, just love the food and fresh seafood there.

  5. oh it sounds gorgeous there, and a big breakfast with coffee makes it even better!

  6. How much one night? KIV...if not expensive, can go there for a relaxing holiday. Staying in Lumut, better than staying in Pangkor...I guess. Nothing much on the island.

  7. STP : RM208 per night including breakfast for 2

  8. Can I join you for breakfast kar, so 'tan'(enjoy)~!^-^

  9. This is called enjoy life. Spare time with family is more important during our lifetime. I think the fish saw you coming and quickly swim away lo...hahaha!

  10. waking up and overlooking the seaside always has a great feeling of course accompany it with a good breakfast then it's heaven!

  11. Yummy !!!
    I would also wanna taste it...Is it so spicy??

  12. Just a cup of coffee will soothe me.
    Its all I take for breakfast.
