Hibiscus grows well in tropical countries around the world. There over 200 species of hibiscus around the world, some are product of cross pollination. The most common species of hibiscus in our country is the Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis.
The trumpet shaped hibiscus flowers can be used as one of the ingredients in herbal teas. These hibiscus teas can be used to reduce high blood pressure, while some species of hibiscus can be made into food dye.
Roselle in my previous post belongs to the same Genus as common hibiscus. Roselle is used in making drinks, jam or as a vegetable.
I was lucky enough to be at the famous Penang Kek Lok Si Pagoda during this year’s Chinese New Year. They have wide varieties of hibiscus plant in the compound of the original pagoda and most of the plants are blooming. The myriad of colourful hibiscus flowers in the pagoda garden was a sight to behold. I took the opportunity to snap as many photos as possible. The short afternoon shower added extra special effects to my photos; it was very captivating to see tiny water droplets clinging on to the surface of hibiscus flowers petals. Here are some of the hibiscus photos I took at Kek Lok Si Temple in Ayer Itam, Penang.
Which one do you think is the nicest?
Your are inspired by the 1Malaysia thingy over the air saying that if you don't know Bunga Raya you are not a true Malaysian izzit?? Oh so many kind of colors of Bunga Raya baru tahu sahaja [just know only]hope qualified to be a true Malaysian? Else might send me back to Mars..
Bro Cheah : Ha ha, Bunga Raya is one of my favourite flower.
I always fancy flower of champaigne colour. Same goes to hibiscus. ;)
Tching : Hibiscus are great for the camera!
The hibicus are lovely and so good to show to my children there are so many species........THANK YOU!
Taste of my life : Thks for dropping by my blog. Glad that you like the photos.
those are called gumamela in my country
did you know that makes a good bubble maker once you ground the leaves and flowers mix with some soap then you have kiddie bubble concetrate =) it's very sticky that's why
Ayie : hah, I learnt new word. Interesing...will try to make bubble with it...my kids would love it! Thks Ayie!
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