Imagine walking into a shop and asking for 2 male nipples! I am still laughing at this incident at the hardware shop. No, I don’t need new ‘nipples’. Mine are still intact! Ha ha ha!
Actually in engineering or more specific in piping, male nipples refer to treaded connectors which are supposed to be screwed into female adaptors which in this case happens to be located on the filter cover. It might sound a little bit obscene but this is how the terms that are used whenever we refer to piping parts.
After a
busy father’s day repairing the toilet tank, installing new water faucet (tap) and installing a new shower, I had to repair the water filter. As most of you know, I like to repair things around my house and I bought these nipples for the water filter so that I can connect to the inlet and outlet pipes which are ½ inch in size. The nipples two fitted perfectly… more leaky connections! Piping nipples also come in different shapes and sizes! LOL!
haha... funny..
thanks for the education Pete.
Huh? They are called male nipples?!
waaaaaaaaaaaa very huge nipples, hahaa... some men do have huge nipples too like urs AHAHHAAHAH
Alamak! Your nipples look like that kah? Hahahahahaha!!!!
Have never heard of such a phrase before.
pengsan...for me who is D.I.Y dummy, if you say u want male nipple i would certainly call the police kakaka
Pete, you are such a handy daddy. Can cook delicious food, can babysit, can repair... erm do you do garderning?! You are such a Wonder papa!
Happy weekend!
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAA..this is funny, but i learn something new today.
haha...funny term.
U r such a Handy Mandy.
hahaha..interesting the next time i hear someone asking for nipples in a DIY shop i wouldnt be like OMG what the ...LOL
Thank you for the education..Pete Jack of all trade and master in all I would say :)
Aiya almost like XXXX when the word pop out haha..Have you found a place in your neighbour hood for Bananaz? Wanna stay near you got nice food, toilet breakdown can seek help, lampu blow can call Pete, car CD palyer played in middle of the nite shout for Pete want nipples ring Pete haha...
hahahhahaha..this is funny!!!
even the pc has male and female parts :)
Thanks for sharing. I just knew these are called male nippers hahaah. I am looking for plumbing services to repair my toilet. Hope someone can share me info with this. Thanks!
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