Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mock Sharkfin Soup with Sausage Strips and Tong Fun (Glass Noodles, Mung Bean Vermicelli, cellophane noodles)
Water, 4 bowls (the soup will taste better if chicken stock is used)
Smoked Sausage, cut into strips
Cabbage, 3 leaves, cut into small strips
Mixed frozen vegetables, (carrots, corn and green beans), ½ cup
Glass noodles (tong fun), 1 bunch, soak in room temperature water until soft
Black Vinegar, 2 to 3 table spoons
Light Soya sauce, 3 table spoons
Dark Soya Sauce, ½ teaspoon
Oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon
Prawn meat, from around 4 medium prawns, cut into chunks
Sesame oil, 1 teaspoon
Corn flour, 2 table spoons, mixed with a little water Egg, 1 pc, slightly beaten
Shou Xing Chiew (Chinese cooking wine), 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
A dash of pepper or more
Put water in a bowl and bring to a boil. Add in the cabbage and boil for a while. Put in the smoked sausage, mixed frozen vegetables, black vinegar, light soya sauce, dark soya sauce, oyster sauce, prawn meat, sesame oil, shou xing chiew, pepper and salt to taste. Add in the glass noodle and thicken the soup with corn flour water mixture. Add in the eggs while stirring the soup so that it will form small strands. Add more corn flour water mixture if the soup is not thick enough.
Installing a New Bookshelf from my little supper meal.
I rarely buy my furniture from Ikea because of their DIY concept. I prefer to have my furniture delivered to me in complete form so that I will save some time and hassle. Books are pilling up at my house and my daughter was complaining that there is not enough space for her to put her books. Somehow I ended up shopping at IKEA and found a suitable bookshelf (202cmx80cm) that fit in to the little corner in my house. I like the design and white colour, something that is quite hard to find in the local furniture shop. I started installing the bookshelf around 11pm at night after my little toddler slept so that I can concentrate on my work. My son helped me to put up the book shelf but I asked him to go to sleep around fifteen minutes passed midnight because I can see that he was already very tired. So, I was left alone to get the job done. While I was installing the bookshelf, my daughter woke up and told me that she is hungry. Actually my own stomach was growling too! It is time to hit the kitchen to cook up some food. I fried some sausages and cooked a packet of Maggi Curry Instant Noodle. After that I continued working on the bookshelf. It was not easy installing the rather heavy glass door alone! It took me some time to figure out how I can do it without getting another person to help out. By the time I finished and took a bath, it was already 2.30pm.
Ahhhh, my favourite 'weapon' (tools), the drill! He he he, watchout concrete wall, here I come! (used to fix the bracket on the wall)
Some of the loose pieces of the shelf Halfway through......... Almost done........... Alamak, daughter woke up, hungry, asking me to 'masak' (cook). Actually daddy very hungry too! LOL! Then daddy cooked yummy maggi curry mee and fried smoked sausage!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mickey Mouse Pizza

For pizza recipe check out my previous post below
The Owl – Owl, Owl, Owl, Michael Jackson Favorite Word in his Singing?
An owl photo taken in Power Centre during the exhibition by KL Bird Park
Every time I see a university professor wearing a mortar board and graduation gown, I would think of a wise looking owl with round rim glasses. If I am not mistaken, I think there was some stationery or school shoe white paint has such owl logo. There are two family of owls, the barn owl (Tytonidae) and typical owl (Strigidae). Below this family tree, there are around 200 species of owl. The owl has binocular vision but since its’ eyes are fixed to the socket; they have to turn their head to change views (up to an amazing angle of 135 Deg in both direction, a total of 270 Deg view). They are also long sighted, so they cannot see things that are very near to their eyes. I wonder how an owl will react if I correct its’ vision with glasses? Ha ha ha! This nocturnal stealth creature which swallow their prey whole have been associated with many myths and mythologies. Some society believes that owl as positive symbol but some associate it with negativity. Anyway, to me it is just a bird and a very useful in controlling pest in plantation. Probably the owl was the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson favourite word in his song lyrics......owl, owl, owl!Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Chicken Rice Shop, Tesco Mutiara, PJ
RM10 Durians – Buah masih baikkah? (Is the fruit good?) – A Lesson in Life

Pandan in the Chicken Butt Recipe (“Opps Sorry for my Language, I should have used “Rear Opening”)
Chicken, 1 whole (around 1.8 kg)
Salt to taste (ok to use a little more for a whole chicken)
Honey, 3 table spoons
Soya Sauce, 3 table spoons
Turmeric, 1 teaspoon
A dash of pepper
Pandan leaves (screw pines), 5 leaves
Rub the soya sauce, salt, pepper and turmeric mixture on the chicken skin and also the interior cavity. Put the pandan leaves in the posterior cavity. Roast the chicken in preheated oven at 180 Dec C for one hour. Take a look at the chicken in the oven from time to time to make sure that the skin is not burned. Rotisserie roasting would be ideal. Glaze the chicken with honey after about 45 minutes in the oven and continue roasting for around 10 to 20 minutes.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Cheese Egg Tart Recipe

Pie Pastry
Flour, 4cups
Butter, 150gms
Salt to taste
Castor Sugar to taste (around ¼ cup) Iced cold water
Vanilla Essence, 1 teaspoon
Baking powder, 1 teaspoon
Fillings (All mixed together)
Cream Cheese, 100gms
Sugar ½ cup
Fresh milk, ½ cup 3 eggs
Vanilla essence, 1 teaspoon
Mix flour and butter until they form a granule like mixture. Add a little salt, sugar, baking powder and vanilla essence. Slowly pour in the iced cold water and mix well. Put the pie pastry in the fridge for half and hour. Flatten the pastry and put into a pie pan. Bake for around 15 to 20 minute in a preheated oven at 180 Deg C. Take out the baked pie pastry and let it cool down a little. Pour in the fillings and bake the pie in oven at 180 Dec C for 20 minutes.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Harry Potter latest Broom Model Super Lidi 2000 Series!
These nice satay that I ate at Matahari Kopitiam recently used bamboo sticks!
The lidi broom is very useful for sweeping on uneven surfaces and it was a cheap alternative to plastic types of broom. I was looking for a lidi broom for my garden and came across this modern type of lidi broom in a hypermarket. It came with a colourful plastic handle which hold all the coconut frond sticks together. In the olden days, they were held together by a rotan (cane) ring. We have to tap the top part of the lidi broom on the ground a few times to put all of them in place again to continue using it. Ahhhh, Harry Potter would be glad to have this Super Lidi 2000 series to fly around for a game of Quidditch. A great Malaysian made broom for catching the Golden Snitch Ball!......ha ha ha!
Super Lidi with Green Plastic Handle!
Sisters Char Kueh Teow (Fried Flat Rice Vermicelli), USJ 16/2G Subang Jaya, Selangor

Address Sisters Char Kueh Teow 11, USJ16/2G, Subang Jaya, Selangor Map to Sisters Char Kueh Teow Coffee Shop (Kopitiam)
Cum on the Drink List?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Post Number Four Hundred and One – Thank You For Your Support!

3) Dessert Thab Thim Krab

10) Animals Papaya Bird. This one is also Cleffairy’s favourite. She always think of this post and laugh!
11) Ghost Story Real Ghost Story
12) Childhood Memories Preparing My Daughter for RLC Champs Concert
Cheers and have a nice day ahead!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Keropok (Prawn Cracker) from Perniagaan Ikan Masin Lock Siew Moy, Kuala Selangor

The Making of Telur Bungkus, Opps Sudah Jadi Telur Gulung! (Egg Omelet Malay Style) – Recipe

Beef or Chicken, 100gms, minced
Onions, 1pc, chopped finely
Tomato sauce, 3 table spoons (use chilly sauce if you want the dish to be spicy)
Frozen carrot, corn and green beans mix, ½ cup
Eggs, 3 pcs to wrap the fillings
Heat up wok and add a little vegetable oil. Sautéed onions until fragrant and then add in the beef or chicken. Fry until the meat caramelizes a little. Pour in the tomato sauce and frozen vegetable mix. Add a little salt to taste. Put the fillings aside. Use a non-stick wok to fry the eggs to wrap the fillings. Make the fried egg diameter as big as possible so that it will be easier to wrap the fillings. Pour the filling onto the fried eggs and wrap it up into a square shape. Opps, too much fillings, so I made telur gulung (eggroll) instead! ha ha ha!