Smallkucing Mama suggested that I add Fun Kok (Arrowroots, not hapi kok) into my
Leng Ngau (Lotus Roots) Soup for extra sweetness. So, off I went to the wet market in search of Hapi Kok.....opps, Fan Kok! Luckily Smallkucing Mama thought me the correct Cantonese name for Fun Kok; I didn’t land myself in trouble and managed to locate a stall selling Fan kok. Ha ha ha!Fan kok is a type of tuber roots in the yam and taro family. It is a very suitable ingredient for soup and is widely used by Chinese chefs. Basically, apart from the addition of Fun Kok, I used the same ingredients as my previous Leng Ngau soup recipe.
Lotus roots, 1 large section, cut into rings and marinate with salt
Groundnuts, ½ cup
Chinese Dates (Ang Cho), 10 pcs
Pork Ribs, 500 gms or Chicken Carcass, 1 bird
Fun Kok (Arrowroots), 5”x3”, cut into big chunks
Salt to taste
Water 7 bowls
Pour water into a pot and bring to a boil. Add groundnuts, pork ribs, Chinese dates and Fun Kok. Boil for 45 minutes to 1 hour or more if you want the groundnuts to be soft. Add salt to taste. Serve hot with steamed rice. Thanks
Smallkucing Mama for the cooking tips!
instead of fun kok, you can use ma thei/sengkuang, i used to teach those aunties because my parents sell veggies at the market
i see, thx for the info.
I like this, but never cook myself b4...
yummy yummy! :D healthy one!
I like lotus roots soup. Never had it with a combination with arrowroots.
Haven't had that for a long time. Not very popular...among the rest of the family, so not bothered to cook. Used to add dried cuttlefish for extra sweetness and fragrance...
I've always liked how lotus roots look but never really had that yet
Normally that is the way i cook this soup. It is really taste different. Sometimes, i make lotus roots soup with red beans too, also taste good.
Mamarazzzzzziiiiiiiii..... I miss your nga ku keropokkkkkkkkkkkk!
@Pete...I dunno that can do this. I tot nga ku is just for you to make keropok!
:D With happy kok everything tastes so much better :P
Now that looks very nutritious indeed :)
LOL...Pete..glad the pasar ppl didnt misunderstand ...
@cleff- woi! not arrowhead la...this is arrow ROOT!
I like fun kok soup and lotus soup, but I dont like to cook this two things together .. hehe..
Sorry ah, you're not Cantonese hoh?
It's "fun got" and "Leen ngau" :)
Add some wolfberries, dried octopus(not cuttlefish) and dried mussels too la, makes it even better.
i like the taste of the soup boiling with fun kok, but i definitely don't like eating it. it tastes one kind :S
@smallkucing... not meh? looks almost same lehhh
Oh yeah. My kind of post/food/people!!
We love fun kok soup, we boil it quite often, but not mix with lotus root, but we add some red dates into the soup, it bring the sweetness too.
hey, this is my favourite soup leh!! i just love lotus root..
ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhh... how i miss this kind of soup :( I miss home now..
Have a fabulous week!!
jen @
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