I love jacket fish (photo above) because it has bones that are rather thick compared to other type of fishes which have tiny bones. It is easy to remove the flesh of jacket fish from the bones after cooking. The flesh is sweet and the texture is nice too. This is the first time I cook jacket fish in curry. Not bad, almost compatible with kurau or grouper fish head curry! LOL!
Jacket fish, 1 pc
Fish Curry powder, 5 table spoons, make into paste by adding water
Mixed halba, 1 teaspoon
Long beans, 3 pcs, cut into 1 inch length
Coconut milk (santan), from ½ coconut
Onions, 2 pcs, cut into slices
Serai (lemongrass), 2 pcs, smashed
Tau fu pok (fried beancurd), 5 pcs
Salt to taste
Heat up work and sauté onions until they turned slightly golden brown. Add curry paste, serai and mixed halba. Put in the long beans. Add jacket fish and coconut milk. Bring to a boil and add salt to taste. Put in the taupok and boil for a short while. Serve with steamed rice.
Jacket fish, 1 pc
Fish Curry powder, 5 table spoons, make into paste by adding water
Mixed halba, 1 teaspoon
Long beans, 3 pcs, cut into 1 inch length
Coconut milk (santan), from ½ coconut
Onions, 2 pcs, cut into slices
Serai (lemongrass), 2 pcs, smashed
Tau fu pok (fried beancurd), 5 pcs
Salt to taste
Heat up work and sauté onions until they turned slightly golden brown. Add curry paste, serai and mixed halba. Put in the long beans. Add jacket fish and coconut milk. Bring to a boil and add salt to taste. Put in the taupok and boil for a short while. Serve with steamed rice.
You've cooked this fish before. Can always remember the funny face... LOL!!!
wow wow wow... i love to fry or grill the fish...
i don't like the look of the fish :S if it is in my fish head curry, i would be freaked!
I have learnt something this morning, I didn't know that is call jacket fish, nice curry! Yummy!
alamak! That is called Jacket Fish ah? The fish monger in pasar told me Cantonese it is call "Kai Yui"(Chicken fish). Ugly face one. Only one bone. Taste yummy
I usually call this "Gai Bei Yue", chicken drumstick fish :)
I love the texture too, soft, white and sweet.
I saw this kind of fish in market, but i don't know what it called. So now i know,but it looks scarely.
never heard of this kind of fish before.. and why is it called Jacket Fish??
Don't think I have ever had this fish before...although the name does sound abit familiar.
this fish is new to me, actually i did not know many of fish name, hehehe..
hey pete. what is mixed halba and where did you buy this fish
Hi Stefanie, can get this fish at any wetmarket but sometimes they don't have it in stock, only once a while. Mixed halba can buy at any Indian shop or hypermarket spices section. Cheers!
Thanks for educating me on the name of the fish, now I know the specie and must say it is a yummy tasting fish. My first taste was a couple of moths ago, I did not know how to cook it, so I breaded it and pan fried it,WOW!! WHAT Delight to the palate, the taste was amazing and it was so flaky and sweet!!!!I think it is the same family as the stingray. What ever, this fish is now my favorite and trying to find interesting ways to prepare it. It is a good fish for the elderly, no fuss kind of fish!!!!
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