John : Hey Pete, do you know that there is new application in Facebook that will allow you to earn money (USD) by participating in various assignments?
Pete : This sounds interesting! How does the program work?
John : First you must have a Facebook account, then you sign up a premier account with Paypal. Remember to use your surname as the first name and your last two names in the last name column so that your name will come out in sequence. Ignore the middle column. This is to ensure that you will not have problem when you transfer your money out from Paypal. Paypal will ask you to give them your payment email address (normal ones that you always use) which is to be used to notify you when you receive money and also for you to register with websites that are going to pay you. The email address that you register with them is like your bank account number. Then you go to CloudCrowd and register with them. Remember to sign up for their job alert so that they can alert you when there are jobs available.
Pete : Huh, that is easy ya! What types of jobs are available in there?
John : The most simplest one would be looking for websites in China, Taiwan and Korea with badly written English especially in the company introduction page and must have around 80 words minimum. Then you cut and paste the website url in the column provided in CloudCrowd job area. Get the website contact email and then paste it there also. Tada!........USD 0.17 will be added into your account and any payment for job done except after Thursday will be transferred to your Paypal account the following day! That easy!
Pete : Wow, this is better than going in to Facebook and start poking people everywhere! Ha ha ha!
John : You are right, Pete. CloudCrowd is new and only around one month old so there might not be many jobs available and they are still tweaking the system. But the best thing is you can recruit your Facebook friends and also other friends via email and you can override the commission the make, up to two levels. Early birds catches the worms!
John : Facebook is like the olden days pen pal but it is online, CloudCrowd is Facebook application that can help you earn money online and Paypal is like an international bank account that you can use to receive payment and pay for things you purchase in the web!
Ah Lian : Aiyo John, I still don’t understand lah!
Ah Beng : Aiya, you don’t know meh? So easy only lar! Facebook is ‘muka buku’ or in English Book worm lah! And CloudCrowd is ‘Awan Ramai’ (direct translation to Malay language).
Ah Lian : Wah you so ‘pandai’ (clever). What about Paypal ?
Ah Beng : Hi ya...lagi easy! Paypal is ‘Bayar Kawan’ lah! (direct translation to Malay Language).
John and Pete :Mua ha Ha ha ha haha ha ha! (Mmmm, my American friend now knows a little Bahasa Malaysia!, LOL)
PS : Check out the first payment from Cloudcrowd that was transferred in to my paypal account at http://pete-makemoneyworkingfromhome.blogspot.com/
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hahahhaha...but so little only....hehehe
I'm like Ah Lian blur blur, got Cloud9 ah?(Awan sembilan). Heard Ah Beng said there very nice one better than what.. what.. Crowded Cloud?
ahhahahahhaha, i just sign up this CloudCrowd yesterday in FB! I wonder how it work, but they paid so little. :(
Thanks Pete. You should have put your invite link here. I've registered.
wow, good...can earn $$ from facebook! Tahnks
It is true?! Have you tried?!
Bayar Kawan ar :P.
haha!! talking about direct translation, it really most of the time makes us laugh, real joke.. i always do this with one of my friend over MSN, it's fun.. we direct translate chinese proverbs into english, imagine that~~ :p
Pete,the Malay language is somehow similar to Tagalog language, if I am not mistaken some of our tagalog words are of Malayan origin.
Manglish : True the actual job might look very little per job but imagine if you have thousands of downlines.....and you overide their commission....$$$$$$clink clink.......ha ha ha!
Bro Cheah : Cloud9 is the sweet brand lah....ha ha ha!
Annie Q : The money rolls in more when you have many downlines...so the trick is to recruit as many people as possible.
Smallkucing : The link in the conversation will bring you to my cloudcrowd community.
MLTC : Ha ha, better than going to facebook, writings on wall and poke here and there, ha ha ha! Have fun recruiting!
ladyviral : I have tried and they paid me. Check out the payment at my blog http://pete-makemoneyworkingfromhome.blogspot.com/
SK : Agree it is fun...sometime my fren translate until...I don't understand..took me sometime to find out the real meaning....then we have a good laugh over it!
AL : True, Asian languages are almost the same, some of the words can be found to be alike.
haha.. the translation is cute!
oh.. i see.. hehe.. decided to try out last night, but busy, then forgot about it..
Hahaha, this is funny, anyway Thanks for sharing on how to earn money online.
haha..very good explanation..
hahah ah lian and ah beng are funny!
wow this is real one?
hi, nice blog. i just came to visit your new post.
paypal is bayar kawan? LOL!
checking it out now! me fatt cheen hon one.. hahaa....
pete, how do i go to cloudcrowd? i cannot find it anywhere in my facebook.. do i hv to sign in to yours?
Dolly : Glad your like the joke!
Sonia : No problem! Check it out!
Wenn: I guess using jokes to explain is easier.
Petite Nyonya : Ha ha, we always make jokes out off Ah Lian and Ah Bengs!
Xin : Check it out
Reyah : Thks for dropping by my blog. Will do!
Foongpc : I am you kawan, you bayar me ok? ha ha ha!
Claire : When you click the link to my site and sign up, you will be under my group, that means I can get a little commission when your group do some jobs on crowdcloud. Sign in to Facebook before you click my link. Crowdcloud is an external Facebook application, so you will have to use cloudcrowd html to go to crowdcloud in facebook profile, but you can recruit your frens in facebook by just clicking MyCrowd.
so little commission, can't even pay for my internet fee
Anonymous : The real potential comes from recruiting people under you and earn overiding commission. Passive income is the word!
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