Albino Myna....................................................Always seen together with other normal mynas
Sorry the pictures are not clear. I have to chase after the little fella to get a good shot!
Malaysian common myna which is the member of the starling species is brown in colour. I came across this albino myna bird a couple of times in the park that I use to frequent.
Albino myna is very rare. Myna bird is a very adaptable species and it is a native bird of South East Asia. I used to have 2 cute
myna birds as pets when I was a kid. They follow me everywhere.
Myna birds are favourite pets because of their speaking abiliities.
It is very interesting to watch this albino myna bird mingling around with other normal mynas in searching for food in the park. Sometimes, I wonder why these normal myna birds can life together with this
odd albino myna bird peacefully, but in many parts of the world, people are still fighting each other because of the difference in skin colour. It is also very interesting to note that mynas stay with one single mate for life!
Related Post about Birds
Some animals are much better than human. See...bird also know how to stay devoted to their partner. While human... *shakes head* well humans behave like animals sometimes. OMG, so sleepy, I should go sleep first. LOL. Today is pig day...catch up wif you all later, guys.
Hmm... that's a great sight. I'm usually not that lucky to capture such photo. I love the way you describe the human world. Good one :)
Hahahahahahaha!!!! First you talked about humps...and now you talk about birds!!! U trying to be suggestive or what? LOL!!!
animals are way better than humans lah. they even respect hierarchy of things, not anyhow come.
Oops... accidentally walk in the animal world.
Wow it's kinda rare and you caught it! XD
The photos are really precious and valuable! Thx for sharing!!
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